Các bài báo quốc tế
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1 |
Nguyen Van Lanh, Nguyen Huy Bich, Bui Ngoc Hung, Nguyen Nam Quyen |
2021 |
Performance of Household Rice Husk Downdraft Gasifier in Vietnam: Modeling and Experiment |
International Journal on Advanced Science and Engineering Information Technology, Vol.11 (2021) No. 5 ISSN: 2088-5334 |
2 |
Nguyen Hay, Le Anh Duc, Pham Van Kien |
2021 |
Mathematical Model of Radio Frequency Assisted Heat Pump Drying of Ganoderma Lucidum (Ganoderma Boninense) |
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJASEIT) |
3 |
Tran Thi Kim Nga, T. V. Pham, D. M. Tam, I. Koo, V. Y. Mariano, and T. Do-Hong |
2021 |
Combining Binary Particle Swarm Optimization With Support Vector Machine for Enhancing Rice Varieties Classification Accuracy |
IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 66062-66078, 2021 |
4 |
Cong Binh Dinh, Shu San Hsiau, Chien Yuan Su, Meng Yuan Tsai,Yi Shun Chen, Huy Bich Nguyen, Hou Peng Wan |
2021 |
Full-loop study of a dual fluidized bed cold flow system: Hydrodynamic simulation and validation |
Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 32, Issue 3, pp 670-682. |
5 |
Le Anh Duc, Tran Dinh Khai, and Nguyen Hay |
2021 |
Mathematical Modeling of Thin Layer Drying of Moringa Oleifera by a Combined Microwave and Heat Pump Drying |
Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development (MMMS2020) |
6 |
Nguyen Huy Bich, Vo Tuyen, Nguyen Tan Ken, Hoang Duc Lien |
2020 |
A Research of Design Controller of 3D Printer DLP Technology |
Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 902, pp 71-78 |
7 |
Nguyen Hay |
2020 |
Sustainable development for Agricultural Products Processing Industry and Agricultural Mechanization in Viet Nam |
Agricultural Mechanization In Asia, Africa and Latin America. Volume 51, No.4 |
8 |
Thanh-Long Le, Jyh-Chen Chen, & Huy-Bich Nguyen |
2020 |
Numerical investigation of the forward and backward thermocapillary motion of a water droplet in a microchannel by two periodically activated heat sources |
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications |
9 |
Quoc-Hung Pham, Jyh-Chen Chen, and Huy-Bich Nguyen |
2020 |
Reducing Efficiency Droop in (In,Ga)N/GaN Light-emitting Diodes by Improving Current Spreading with Electron-blocking Layers of the Same Size as the n-pad |
Current Optics and Photonics, Volume 4 Issue 4; pp.380-390 |
10 |
Cong-Binh Dinh, Shu-San Hsiau, Chien-Yuan Su, Meng-Yuan Tsai, Yi-Shun Chen, Huy-Bich Nguyen, Hou-Peng Wan |
2020 |
Predictions of undesirable air–sand flow behaviors in a dual fluidized bed cold flow system via a CFD full-loop model |
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, Volume 106, Pages 159-168 |
11 |
Xuan-Quang Nguyen, Anh-Duc Le, Ngoc-Phuong Nguyen, Hay Nguyen |
2019 |
Journal of Food Quality |
12 |
Pham Van Lang, Nguyen Hay, Do Thi Tam, Le Tien Han |
2019 |
The role of agricultural mechanization in the process of modernization of agriculture in Vietnam - contribution of agricultural engineering to production after years of conducting renovation |
Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Volume 50, No.4 |
13 |
Lanh N V, Bich N H, Quyen N N, Hung B N and Preston T R. |
2019 |
Water retention capacity of biochar and its effect on growth of maize |
Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 31 |
14 |
Nguyen Thanh Nghi, Tran Van Tuan, Le Quang Vinh |
2019 |
Field performance evaluation of a stubble cutting machine coupled with a windrow gathering system |
International Journal of GEOMATE, March, 2019 Vol.16, Issue 55, pp. 14 - 19 |
15 |
Tuan Anh Bui, Van Hung Pham, Bich Huy Nguyen, Thanh Phong Nguyen, Duc-Khuyen Nguyen, Van Cong Chinh Nguyen |
2018 |
Study of Using Cassava Pulp to Produce Livestock Feed Pellet |
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, Vol. 8 (2018) No. 1, pages: 242-249 |
16 |
Nguyen Van Hieu, Nguyen Thanh Nghi, Le Quang Vinh, Le Minh Anh, Nguyen Van Hung, Martin Gummert |
2018 |
Developing densidied products to reduce the transportation costs and improve the quality of the rice straw feedstocks for cattle feeding |
Journal of Vietnamese Environment [Technical University of Dresden, Germany) |
17 |
Nguyen Van Hung, Romualdo Martinez, Tran Van Tuan and Martin Gummert |
2018 |
Development and verification of a simulation model for paddy drying with different flatbed dryers |
Journal Plant Production Science, No. 28 |
18 |
Lanh N V, Bich N H, Quyen N N, Hung B N and Preston T R. |
2018 |
A study on designing, manufacturing and testing a household rice husk gasifier |
Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 30, |
19 |
Nguyen Huy Bich, Nguyen Van Lanh, Bui Ngoc Hung |
2017 |
The Composition of Syngas and Biochar Produced by Gasifier from Viet Nam Rice Husk |
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 2258-2263 |
20 |
Duc-Khuyen Nguyen & Jung-Yang San |
2016 |
Heat Transfer and Exergy Analysis of a Spiral Heat Exchanger |
Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 37(12), pp. 1013–1026 |
21 |
Duc-Khuyen Nguyen & Jung-Yang San |
2016 |
Decrement in heat transfer effectiveness due to solid heat conduction for a counter-current spiral heat exchanger |
Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 103, pp. 821-831 |
22 |
Hung Van Nguyen, Canh Duc Nguyen, Tuan Van Tran , Hoa Duc Hau, Nghi Thanh Nguyen , Martin Gummert. |
2016 |
Energy efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions, and cost of rice straw collection in the mekong river delta of vietnam |
Field Crops Research. Volume 198, Pages 16-2222 |
23 |
Lanh N V, Bich N H, Hung B N, Khang D N and Preston T R. |
2016 |
Effect of the air-flow on the production of syngas, tar and biochar using rice husk and sawdust as feedstock in an updraft gasifier stove |
Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 28, |
24 |
Duc-Khuyen Nguyen & Jung-Yang San |
2015 |
Effect of Solid Heat Conduction on Heat Transfer Performance of a Spiral Heat Exchanger |
Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 76, pp. 400-409 |
25 |
Tran Van Tuan, Le Quang Vinh and Nguyen Van Xuan |
2015 |
Research on Cassava Drying, Application and Promotion of the Reversible Airflow Flatbed Dryers for Sliced Cassava |
Journal of Food Science and Engineering 5, pp: 150-158. |
26 |
Caesar J.M. Tado, Dexter P. Ona, John Eric O. Abon, Eden C. Gagelonia, Nguyen Thanh Nghi, Le Quang Vinh |
2015 |
Development and promotion of the reversible airflow flatbed dryer in the Philippines |
Journal of Annals of Tropical Research, 37[1]:97-109, Visayas State University, Philippines |
27 |
Nguyen Hay, Le Quang Giang, Vu Ke Hoach |
2011 |
The cost of fluidized - bed drying using a buffered salt layer |
Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America |
28 |
Phan Hieu Hien, Le Quang Vinh, Tran Thi Thanh Thuy, Tran Van Tuan |
2009 |
Development of solar‐assisted dryers for food and farm crops |
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, Vol. 52(4): 1255-1259 |
29 |
Nguyen Hay, Le Quang Giang |
2006 |
Case study in the conversion of Fired-wood fuel to other suitable ones in the Rural areas of Vietnam |
Agricultural Mechanization In Asia, Africa and Latin America, No. 4, 15-20 |
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