SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence - Freedom - Happiness |
Ho Chi Minh City, April 25, 2022
Major: Renewable Energy Engineering and Technology
(Issued under Decision No. 3670/QD-ĐHNL-DT dated October 10, 2022 of the Principal)
- Major name: Renewable Energy Engineering and Technology
- Mã ngành: 7519007
- Degree: Bachelor
- Duration: 4 year
- Diploma: Bachelor of Science in Renewable Energy Engineering and Technology
1. Program Overview
1.1 General goal
Aim to impart knowledges, skills and ethics for resolving issues related to researching, designing, creating, operating, optimizing and maintaining machinery’s systems in Renewable Energy Engineering and Technology, as well as being capable of delivering the needs that meet the demands of socio-economic development of Vietnam.
1.2 Program objectives, PO
Renewable Energy Engineering and Technology program at the university level provides students with:
PO1: General, fundamental specialized, and specialized knowledge in the field of Energy, especially in the field of Renewable Energy Engineering and Technology.
PO2: Professional, creative thinking, analytical, synthesizing skills, problem-solving, and international integration skills.
PO3: Professional ethics, social responsibility, and attitudes to respect the law and business partners.
PO4: Ability to calculate, design, build technological processes, and operate renewable energy systems.
2. Output Standard
After successful completion of the Renewable Energy Engineering and Technology program, graduates will be able to:
2.1 Knowledge
2.1.1 General knowledge
PLO1: (Program Learning Outcomes): Applying fundamental knowledge of natural and social sciences to the field of Renewable Energy Engineering and Technology, as follows
- Have sufficient foundational knowledge of natural sciences (mathematics, physics, and informatics) as a solid basis for the acquisition and study fundamental specialized and specialized courses.
- Have fundamental knowledge of society and humanity, have good health to work, and contribute to the construction and defense of the country.
PLO2: Mastering the foundational knowledge of the field of Energy, and applying the fundamental specialized knowledge of the field of Renewable Energy to actual production, as follows
- Know how to apply the fundamental specialized knowledge to set up the production process of energy machinery and equipment and acquire in-depth specialized knowledge.
- Apply sufficient foundational knowledge of information technology to support the acquisition of relevant professional knowledge.
2.1.2 Professional knowledge
PLO3: Analyzing, evaluating, and solving problems in the field of Energy, Renewable Energy Engineering and Technology
- Analyze, identify, and direct building systems in the field of Renewable Energy Engineering and Technology
- Apply in-depth specialized knowledge of the principles of each type of equipment in each system in the field of Renewable Energy Engineering and Technology.
PLO4: Applying information technology knowledge to meet professional requirements.
PLO5: Planning, organizing, and monitoring production processes in the field of Renewable Energy Engineering and Technology.
- Analyze, criticize, and evaluate the economic and technical criteria of an equipment system.
- Understand the general technical principles of maintenance for the whole system as well as for a single device.
- Access and update technical regulations.
2.2 Skills
2.2.1 General Skills
PLO6: Design systems and equipment used in the field of Renewable Energy Engineering and Technology.
- Calculate the necessary specifications for the whole system or a single device.
- Build a set of design drawings and fabrication drawings for the whole system as well as for a single device.
PLO7: Exploit, operate, and maintain systems in the field of Renewable Energy Engineering and Technology.
PLO8: Synthesize, analyze, evaluate, and communicate professional ideas.
PLO9: Use foreign languages to exploit information in studying, research, and international labor market integration.
PLO10: Demonstrate leadership and management skills.
2.3 Attitude
2.3.1 Awareness
PLO11: Develop professional ethics, awareness of environmental protection and social responsibility, sense of learning to improve qualifications.
2.3.2 Behavior
PLO12: Compliance with the law, displaying professional manners and adaptation towards working environment.
3. Correlation and Consistency Between Objectives and Output Standards
Table 1. Classification of Output Standard of Renewable Energy Engineering and Technology program.
PLOs |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
6 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
PLO 01, PLO 02, …, PLOs: Program Learning Outcomes.
POs: Program Objectives.
1 |
General knowledge |
4 |
Professional knowledge |
2 |
General skills |
5 |
Professional skills |
3 |
Awareness |
6 |
Attitudes |
Table2. Matrix dedication’s modules for expected learning outcomes
No. |
Subject code |
Subject title |
Credit |
PLOs (Expected Program learning outcomes) |
Core |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
1 |
200101 |
Philosophy of Marxism and Leninism |
3 |
H |
S |
S |
2 |
200201 |
Military training (theory) |
3 |
S |
3 |
200202 |
Military training (practice) |
3 |
S |
4 |
202201 |
General Physics 1 |
2 |
H |
S |
S |
5 |
202202 |
Physics Experiments 1 |
1 |
H |
S |
S |
6 |
202501 |
Physical education 1 |
1 |
H |
S |
7 |
207830 |
General Chemistry 1 |
2 |
H |
S |
S |
8 |
213603 |
English 1 |
4 |
H |
H |
S |
H |
9 |
214103 |
General Informatics |
3 |
H |
S |
10 |
200102 |
Political economics of Marxism and Leninism |
2 |
H |
11 |
202109 |
Advanced Mathematics A2 |
3 |
H |
S |
S |
12 |
202206 |
General Physics 2 |
2 |
H |
S |
S |
13 |
202502 |
Physical Education 2 |
1 |
H |
14 |
202622 |
General law |
2 |
S |
H |
H |
15 |
207831 |
Chemical Experiments |
1 |
H |
S |
S |
16 |
207832 |
General Biology |
2 |
H |
S |
S |
17 |
213604 |
English 2 |
3 |
H |
H |
S |
H |
18 |
200103 |
Scientific socialism |
2 |
H |
19 |
202110 |
Advanced Mathematics A3 |
3 |
H |
S |
S |
20 |
200107 |
Ho Chi Minh Ideology |
2 |
H |
21 |
202121 |
Probability & Statistics |
3 |
H |
H |
22 |
200105 |
History of Vietnamese communist party |
2 |
H |
23 |
202620 |
Communication Skills |
2 |
S |
H |
24 |
208438 |
Project Management |
2 |
S |
H |
H |
25 |
207803 |
Introduction of Renewable Energy |
1 |
H |
S |
26 |
207147 |
Applied Engineering Mechanics |
2 |
H |
S |
S |
27 |
207152 |
Introduction to Electrical Engineering |
3 |
S |
H |
S |
S |
S |
S |
x |
28 |
207202 |
Fluids Mechanics |
2 |
H |
H |
S |
x |
29 |
207220 |
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics |
3 |
H |
S |
S |
30 |
207535 |
Fundamental of Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems |
3 |
H |
H |
S |
31 |
207644 |
Programming Techniques |
3 |
H |
H |
S |
S |
S |
H |
H |
32 |
207110 |
Basic Electronics |
2 |
H |
H |
S |
33 |
207341 |
Modeling and Simulation |
3 |
S |
S |
H |
H |
S |
H |
H |
S |
S |
34 |
207516 |
PLC & Applications |
3 |
H |
H |
S |
35 |
207801 |
Materials for Energy Technologies |
3 |
H |
H |
S |
36 |
207802 |
Electrical Machinery & Equipment |
3 |
H |
H |
S |
37 |
207804 |
Heat and Mass Transfer |
3 |
H |
H |
S |
38 |
207221 |
Experimental Planning Method & Data Processing |
2 |
H |
H |
S |
H |
39 |
207503 |
Sensors and Measurement Techniques |
3 |
H |
H |
S |
40 |
207540 |
Generator and Electric Transfer |
3 |
H |
H |
S |
S |
41 |
207117 |
AutoCAD |
2 |
H |
S |
S |
42 |
207610 |
Digital Engineering |
2 |
H |
S |
H |
S |
S |
S |
S |
43 |
207827 |
Entrepreneurship and Innovation |
2 |
H |
S |
S |
44 |
207805 |
Solar Energy |
3 |
H |
S |
S |
H |
H |
S |
S |
x |
45 |
207807 |
Biomass Energy |
3 |
H |
S |
S |
H |
H |
S |
S |
x |
46 |
207809 |
Wind Energy |
3 |
H |
S |
S |
H |
H |
S |
S |
x |
47 |
207811 |
Hydroelectric power and other energy |
3 |
H |
S |
S |
H |
H |
S |
S |
48 |
207828 |
Hydropower System |
3 |
H |
S |
H |
S |
H |
S |
49 |
207404 |
Air Conditioning Techniques |
3 |
S |
S |
H |
H |
S |
H |
H |
S |
S |
50 |
207438 |
Energy Saving |
3 |
S |
H |
S |
H |
S |
51 |
207806 |
Solar Energy Project |
1 |
H |
S |
S |
H |
H |
S |
S |
52 |
207808 |
Biomass Energy Project |
1 |
H |
S |
S |
H |
H |
S |
S |
53 |
207810 |
Wind Energy Project |
1 |
H |
S |
S |
H |
H |
S |
S |
54 |
207812 |
Project Hydroelectric power and other energy |
1 |
H |
S |
S |
H |
H |
S |
S |
55 |
207817 |
Internship 1 |
2 |
H |
S |
S |
56 |
207829 |
Project of Hydropower System |
1 |
H |
H |
S |
S |
S |
57 |
207813 |
Environmental Assessment & Management |
2 |
S |
H |
S |
H |
S |
58 |
207814 |
Energy Systems for Sustainable World |
2 |
S |
H |
H |
59 |
207815 |
English in Engineering |
3 |
S |
H |
S |
60 |
207816 |
Energy Storage Technology |
3 |
S |
H |
H |
S |
x |
61 |
207818 |
Internship 2 |
2 |
H |
S |
S |
62 |
207125 |
Software Applications in Machine Design |
2 |
H |
S |
S |
S |
63 |
207525 |
Digital Signal Processing |
2 |
H |
S |
S |
64 |
207701 |
Industrial Environment & Safety |
2 |
S |
H |
65 |
207819 |
Optimization of Energy System |
2 |
S |
H |
H |
66 |
207820 |
Energy Policy |
2 |
H |
H |
H |
S |
67 |
207825 |
Renewable - Energy drying technology |
3 |
68 |
207406 |
Industrial Boiler |
2 |
H |
H |
S |
S |
69 |
207407 |
Burning Theory |
2 |
H |
S |
70 |
207425 |
Thermoelectric Energy Techniques |
3 |
S |
S |
H |
S |
S |
71 |
207826 |
Absorption refrigeration techniques |
3 |
H |
H |
H |
H |
S |
72 |
207821 |
Research Project |
6 |
H |
H |
H |
H |
H |
H |
73 |
207822 |
Graduated Subject 1 |
3 |
H |
74 |
207823 |
Graduated Subject 2 |
3 |
75 |
207824 |
Graduated Thesis |
12 |
H |
H |
H |
H |
H |
H |
Where: S: Slightly/ fairly related contribution
X: Core subject
H: Highly related contribution
4. Career Opportunity:
Thermal Engineering program equips students with knowledge, skills, and capabilities to meet the demands of the nowadays diverse but also very professional labor market, graduates can fit in positions related to Renewable Energy Engineering such as:
- Technical designer,
- Technical engineer,
- Employee,
- Instructing or doing research at research institutes and universities.
5. Study Capability and Upgrading Knowledge After Graduation
After completing Renewable Energy Engineering program, students can continue to do postgraduate in Energy engineering, and other slightly different fields domestically and internationally. Furthermore, students can also pursue other professional training courses held at home and abroad.
6. Admission Target:
According to Nong Lam University’s regulations.
7. Program Objectives, Graduation Conditions:
According to Nong Lam University’s regulations.
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