AUN (ASEAN University Network) was established in 1995 by the Ministers of Education and the Rector of the University of leading Southeast Asia. For purposes: promote collaboration and enhance the quality of training and research among universities in the region and is the focal point for coordination of activities to accomplish the task of building standards and quality of education identify measures of continuous improvement of quality of universities in Southeast Asia.
Currently, there are 30 AUN member universities of 10 countries in the region. In particular, Vietnam has 03 University: Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam National University - Hanoi and Can Tho University.
ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) network is a group of Chief Quality Officers (CQOs) appointed by the AUN member universities as the focal point for coordinating activities to realise the mission of harmonising educational standards and seeking continuous improvement of academic quality of universities in ASEAN.
The AUN-QA activities are carried out by the CQOs in accordance to the Bangkok Accord adopted in 2000, which provides a series of guidelines to promote the development of a quality assurance system as instruments for maintaining, improving and enhancing teaching, research and the overall academic standards of AUN member universities.
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