Truong Quang Truong 1, Tran Van Tuan 2, Le Quang Vinh 2, Le Van Tuan, Vuong Thanh Tiên

1 Faculty of Engineering & Technology. 2. Center for Agricultural Energy & Machinery. 


Nong Lam University

The International Conference on Agricultural And Bio-System Engineering
Ho Chi Minh City, December 19-21, 2017
The Pangasius elongates (Ca Dua), especially one-sunning Ca Dua is a favourited food and in high value. However, for now, the only solution has been the open sun drying which causes the problems in the dried fish quality.
A laboratory dryer for 10kg per batch using solar energy was designed and fabricated. Experimental results have shown that the solar collector meet the requirement of drying temperature in range from 40°C to 50°C. Dried fish was satisfied in requirements for moisture content (60% ± 1% wb), whiteness value (56% ± 1% ), and microorganic criteria. Furthermore, using CCD with JMP software, the optimal drying parameters was found: 44°C in drying air temperature and 0.24m/s in air velocity. A solar-assisted dryer with capacity in 100kg/batch was designed, fabricated, and applied at Kim Yen food enterprise in Can Gio District. The dryer's operation has satisfied all proposed technical requirements. The drying results have shown that the quality of dried Ca Dua is stable, in which, the whiteness value of dried products
(57.4%, 57.8% ) is higher than that from satural sun drying product (55.8%, 56.2% ).
Keywords: Pangasius elongates (Ca Dua), Open sun drying, Solar collector, Specific energy, Whiteness value.

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