Nguyễn Văn Xuân, Trần Văn Tuấn
Trung tâm Năng Lượng và Máy Nông Nghiệp, Trường Đại học Nông Lâm TP.HCM
Lần VIII -  Năm 2011
TP.HCM, ngày 29 tháng 12 năm 2011

The study entitled, "Results of research and application of whole coffee dryers", was done by Center for Agricultural Energy and Machinery, Ho Chi Minh City Nong Lam University (NLU), widely promoted and applied in several provinces of Vietnam such as: Lam Dong, Daklak, Daknong, etc. Obtained results are as follows: Researched, designed, fabricated, and applied flatbed-fixed whole coffee dryers that operate based on the principle of air-reversal drying (also called as SRA dryer, where: S is drying in Vietnamese, and RA is abbreviation of Reversible Airflow), with heat source provided by an inclined-step grate coffee husk-fed furnace, the drying capacities are in the range of 7 tons/batch and 14 tons/batch. Through experiments conducted, the performance of the dryers, (i.e. drying parameters such as: drying time, air- reversal timing, uniformity of coffee MC at termination of drying process, drying cost, etc.,) was also determined, namely: total actual drying time was from 23 to 28 hours, air-reversal timing was after 12 hours drying, deviation of final MC of coffee grain mass was from 2 to 4%, drying costs (in the terms of VND per kilogram of dried coffee been) were in turn about 630 VND/ kg and 545 VND/kg pegged for the SRA-7 dryer and the SRA-14 dryer respectively as drying Robusta coffee type, and likewise 870 VND/kg and 725 VND/kg for grain dried at the SRA-7 dryer and the SRA-14 dryer respectively as drying Arabica coffee type.


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