Hung Van Nguyea, *,Canh Duc Nguyen b,Tuan Van Tran b, Hoa Duc Hau b,
Nghi Thanh Nguyen b, Martin Gummert a
a International Rice Research Institute, DAPO Box 7777, Metro Manila 1301, Philippines
b Nong Lam University, Thu-Duc Distric, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Energy efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions, and cost of rices traw collection in the mekong river delta of vietnam
Article info
Article history:
Received 11 April 2016
Received in revised from 19 August 2016
Accepted 22 August 2016
HungVanNguyen a,*,CanhDucNguyen b,TuanVanTran b,HoaDucHau b,Nghi ThanhNguyen b,Martin Gummerta
aInternational RiceResearchInstitute,DAPOBox7777,MetroManila1301,Philippines
bNong LamUniversity,Thu-DucDistric,HoChiMinhCity,Vietnam
Keywords: Rice straw, Collection, Baling, Energy, Greenhouse gas emissions
Collection is still amajor challenge in the supply chain ofrice straw to prepare feedstock for further use.    Straw needs to be gathered from the field and compressed into bales to make it compact and easy to transport. With the introduction of combine harvesters, the collection of rice straw has become harderand more costly. This created negative impacts on other businesses that use rice straw. Mechanization of rice straw collection was introduced in Vietnam in 2013 and it has rapidly developed since. Most of the rice straw produced in the dry season in the Mekong River Delta (MD) of Vietnam is collected for mush room and for livestock fodder production or for use as mulching materials. In order to quantify the performance of the mechanical operation of rice straw collection, this study conducted an analysis ofenergy efficiency, greenhouse gas emission (GHGE), and cost of rice straw collection in the MD for five collection machines that operated on the same field, the same rice variety, and the same harvest time under demonstration in the MD. With rice straw yield of 4.72 t per ha, the collection machines operated at a capacity of 0.87–2.47 t per hour. This mechanized operation can reduce labor requirement by 90%. Specific weight of baled straw was from 73 to 104 kg per cubic meter, which is heavier by 50–100% than that of loose-form straw, at a moisture content of 12.4 (±1.21)% in wet basis. Total energy consumption, ranging from 351 to 588 MJ per ton of straw collected, accounted for 10–17% ofthe total energy input using this collected straw for biogas production. Energy consumption from fossil fuels results in GHGEof 60–165 kg COequivalent per ton of collected straw. The cost of straw collection, which ranged from US$12 to US$18 per ton of straw in the MD, accounted for 10–20% of the total investment cost of biogas or mush room production. This study illustrated the feasibility of the mechanization ofrice straw collection for further processing. Despite the GHGE of this may cause through the consumption of fossil fuels, mechanized rice straw collection creates more benefits such as avoiding in-field burning, producing feedstock for further sustainable processing, and adding value to rice production.
©2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.This is an open access article under the CCBY-NC-ND

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